Stay informed

If you live in any at-risk area, join your local group or stay updated on local community meetings.

Stay informed download the VicEmergency app on your mobile devices and tailor watch zones for your area:

Staying alert

In the event of a natural disaster that's likely to affect your business, these steps will help keep you, your staff and clients safe, while giving your business the best chance of recovery:

  • Activate your emergency plan early – and stick to it.
  • Follow the advice of emergency services.
  • Stay informed and keep your clients and staff informed:

Listen to ABC Local Radio, or your local radio broadcaster

Visit the VicEmergency website for up-to-date information on emergency response programs.

Don't rely on receiving a message

  • You must still prepare and have an action plan ready even if you haven't received an official message.
  • If you live in an area that has a mobile 'black spot' it's important to have a landline phone – the landline phone should not be cordless because it won't work if you lose your electricity supply.
  • If you receive a warning, act on its advice.
  • If you don't understand the message, ask family, friends or neighbours for help.
  • For help with English, call the Translating and Interpreting Service on free call number 131 450 – ask them to telephone the VicEmergency Hotline.
  • Unless you urgently need emergency services (police, fire or ambulance) don't dial 000 for information.

Read a full list of official emergency contacts.

Useful tools and templates

Emergency management plan template (PDF 23.38 KB) PDF icon