What are restricted trading days?
Under Victorian law there are two-and-a-half restricted trading days each year:
- Good Friday
- Christmas Day
- Anzac Day between 12:01am and 1:00pm
On these days, only exempt shops are permitted to open.
Can you open on restricted trading days?
The Shop Trading Reform Act 1996 prohibits shops from trading on restricted trading days. The Act provides two separate ways in which a shop is exempt from restricted trading days and can operate.
Firstly, specific types of shops can open on restricted trading days. These shops are:
- chemists
- petrol shops
- restaurants
- cafes
- takeaway outlets.
Secondly, a shop that meets the following size criteria is also exempt:
- They have 20 or fewer persons employed in the shop at any time on a restricted trading day.
- The number of persons employed by the shop and its related entities is no more than 100 at any time during the 7 days immediately before the restricted trading day.
A shop is defined as a building, structure, place or vehicle that is used wholly or predominantly for the retail sale of goods. Service providers or hire outlets can operate on restricted trading days, as they do not fall under the definition of a shop.
For further information, please refer to the Shop Trading Reform Act 1996 on legislation.vic.gov.au.
Do you have to close on Anzac Day?
Anzac Day has some additional restrictions. The following types of businesses must also not operate before 1:00pm on Anzac Day (25 April), regardless of whether they're exempt from other restricted trading days:
- cinemas (whether indoors or outdoor)
- other entertainment – for example, live dance or music events, concerts or plays
- real estate auctions
Businesses that are factories or warehouses or where any premises has any manufacturing process being carried on must be closed throughout Anzac Day subject to the prescribed criteria in the Anzac Day Act.
Late-night trading and liquor restrictions
Businesses such as restaurants, cafes, bars, clubs and bottle shops might have more restrictions regarding late-night trading and supplying alcohol on restricted trading days.
Check with the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation for more information.