Keeping good employment records has many benefits, including making sure you pay staff correctly and abide by your tax and legal obligations.

Keeping ongoing employment records

Under the Fair Work Act 2009 you must:

  • keep records of the dates and hours your employees work for you, as well as how much they're paid
  • give employees regular payslips with these details, in either hard copy or electronic form

You must also keep the following records for each employee:

  • employment start and end date or their contract end date
  • the award, workplace agreement or contract that covers their employment
  • start and finish times of overtime hours worked (if they're entitled to overtime penalty rates or loadings)
  • relevant leave accruals such as annual leave and personal leave
  • superannuation fund and contribution details
  • trade certificates and qualifications (such as Responsible Service of Alcohol, Working with Children Check or other qualifications necessary to fulfil the role)
  • right to work in Australia documents (such as Visa/VEVO checks).

Documents for new employees

Give these documents to all new employees as part of the recruitment process:

  • a request for their contact details, emergency contact details and bank account information
  • tax file number declaration form
  • superannuation fund standard choice form
  • Fair Work Information Statement.

Tax and super records

You must keep all records for your employee for 5 years relating to:

  • tax
  • superannuation amount calculations
  • how you met your choice of super fund obligations.

Request for new staff details

Your new employees must give you their:

  • contact information
  • emergency contact details in case of emergency while at work
  • bank account details for payroll.

Use our template to make sure you get all the information you need from your new employees.

Tax file number declaration form

Employees must fill out a tax file number declaration form so you can work out how much tax to withhold from their pay.

Ask employees to download the form from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) website and either:

  • fill it in online, or
  • print the form and fill it in by hand.

Superannuation choice form

Employees must fill out a superannuation Standard choice form and return it to you so you can pay super into their chosen fund.

Visit the ATO website for information about offering your employees a choice of fund.

Fair Work Information Statement

Under the national workplace relations system, you must provide all new employees with a copy of the current Fair Work Information Statement (FWIS).

The statement has basic information for workers on:

  • their rights as an employee
  • issues that will affect their employment
  • where they can find out more on terms and conditions of employment.

Download a current copy of the statement from the Fair Work Ombudsman website