Transport and forestry information has moved

All information relating to owner drivers and forestry contractors can be found on the Wage Inspectorate Victoria website.

Popular Owner Driver and Forestry Contractor pages on the Wage Inspectorate website

Information for owner drivers – Understand the typical operating costs for your business and your rights as an owner driver.

Information for forestry contractors – Understand the typical costs of operating your business and your rights as a contractor.

Tip truck owner drivers – Understand the typical operating costs that apply to your business and guidance on industry best practice.

Laws for hirers and freight brokers

There are laws hirers and freight brokers must follow when engaging owner drivers or forestry contractors. Failing to comply with some of these laws is a crime.

Wage Inspectorate Victoria is responsible for monitoring compliance with the Owner Drivers and Forestry Contractors Act 2005.

More information is available on Wage Inspectorate Victoria’s website, where you’ll find an industry Code of Practice and information for owner drivers, forestry contractors, hirers in transport and forestry, and freight brokers in transport and forestry.

Wage Inspectorate Victoria carries out education, auditing and inspections to ensure that industry participants understand and comply with the Act’s requirements.

An interpreting service is available, as well as translated information about engaging owner drivers and forestry contractors in 8 languages.