What is the Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre?

The Australian Medtech Manufacturing Centre (AMMC) is a $20 million Victorian Government initiative, that has been established as a to support the growth of Victoria’s medical technologies and medical manufacturing sectors. AMMC is operating as a unit of the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions. You can find out more about us on AMMC’s website.

What is the purpose of the Medtech Manufacturing Capability Program?

The Medtech Manufacturing Capability Program (MMCP) is designed to assist Victorian manufacturers and medical technology businesses to scale up manufacturing activities to meet future growth opportunities. The program will make it easier for medtech product developers to find and access local expert medtech services and infrastructure and to undertake design and/or manufacturing process testing (verification and validation). This may include activities that would otherwise be carried out overseas or that would be brought forward by at least a year with the addition of program funding. The program aims to increase the size and value of Victoria’s medical technology (medtech) manufacturing sector.

What are the key dates for the program?

The indicative key dates for the program include:

  • Applications open: 9 March 2022
  • Applications close: 5 April 2022
  • Program end: 31 May 2023.

What type of projects will meet the eligibility criteria for grant support?

Eligible project activities must relate to the development of a manufactured medtech product in Victoria and meet the program objectives as outlined in the assessment criteria.
A project proposed for grant funding must be to develop a manufactured medtech product or for the development of value chain inputs for a manufactured medtech product where the product:

  • is relatively advanced in development, that is at least at proof-of-concept stage equating to GAITS Stage 3, as considered by the Applicant against CIMIT’s Guidance and Impact Assessment Tracking System (or)
  • has been verified with research and development or other pre-clinical studies.

Why is the open time only 4 weeks?

The program is open for 4 weeks and is targeted at “ready to go” medtech projects that can be delivered over the next 12 months. This funding program is designed to service the industry’s needs of today, increasing medtech manufacturing capability leading to new job creation and business growth.

How do I apply?

Applications must be lodged online via the program page prior to program close.

All sections of the application form must be completed in full, and all requested attachments provided.

Can I submit a late application?

No, late applications will not be accepted, and extensions will not be granted.

How much funding is available?

The program has a total of $3 million in funding available.

  • Grants of between $100,000 to $500,000 (excluding GST) will be available
  • Grants will be provided on a 1:1 cash co-contribution basis. In-kind contributions cannot form part of the required cash co-contribution
  • Grant request above $200,000 will require additional application documents

Funding for this program will be awarded on a competitive basis.

How does co-contribution funding work?

The applicant contribution must match the grant value dollar for dollar using their own funds. If the project budget is higher than the grant value and co-contribution combined, the remaining amount must be covered by the applicant or partner contributions.


  • If the total project cost is $1,000,000 (excluding GST), the requested maximum Grant contribution would be $500,000 (excluding GST). The Applicant must contribute matched funding of $500,000.
  • If the total project cost is $1,250,000 (excluding GST), the requested maximum Grant contribution would be $500,000 (excluding GST). That is, the Applicant must contribute matched funding of $500,000, with the remaining amount to be covered by the Applicant using own, or other sources as indicated above.

Can my co-contribution amount include funding support from other Government programs?

No. Funds from other State or other jurisdiction or Commonwealth Government programs cannot form part of the co-contribution funding.

Can I contribute more than the matched funding amount?

Yes, you may contribute more than matching funding.

How do I demonstrate evidence of my cash co-contribution?

Required evidence of cash co-contribution includes:

  • evidence, in writing, of support from the Company Board, business owner or CEO that the business can undertake the project and meet its co-contribution costs
  • an approved loan facility (loan agreement)
  • cash at bank (current bank statement)
  • management accounts demonstrating satisfactory cashflow or liquid assets.

Is there a particular spending schedule I need to follow?

Yes, you must show an expenditure schedule at the time of receiving your grant award. Throughout the project the Department will request evidence of spending at the reporting milestones. Recipients will be required to spend 50 per cent of grant award and 50 per cent of cash co-contribution in the first six months after contract signing.

Are construction and plant costs considered eligible expenditure?

No, grant funds can only be used for costs that are directly related to the manufacture of an eligible medtech product or device.

What businesses are eligible to apply?

To be eligible to apply, the applicant must be a Victorian manufacturer or medical technology business that is developing an eligible medtech product that will be wholly or partially manufactured in Victoria for the duration of the project.

Additionally, the business must:

  • have existing operations in Victoria
  • be incorporated in Australia
  • hold an Australian Business Number (ABN)
  • be an employing business registered for WorkCover Insurance with WorkSafe Victoria
  • have an annual turnover of $50 million or less
  • match any grant funding on a 1:1 cash co-contribution basis
  • provide financial reports for the last three financial years to enable DJPR to conduct a financial risk assessment
  • participate in future program evaluation activity.

What businesses are ineligible to apply?

The following entities are not eligible to apply:

  • a Commonwealth department, agency, or body
  • a State department, agency, entity or other body established under the Public Administration Act 2004 (VIC) or equivalent legislation of another Australian jurisdiction
  • unincorporated associations
  • non-employing businesses
  • universities or research organisations.

What is an eligible medtech product?

Eligible medtech products are defined as:

  • a medical device, with the purpose to diagnose, prevent, monitor, treat or alleviate a disease or injury, or modify or monitor anatomy or physiological functions of the body, or are intended to be used in a healthcare environment including medical equipment, scientific instrumentation and consumables or medical disposables. To see a wide range of medical devices & IVDs, visit the Therapeutic Goods Administration website via https://www.tga.gov.au/medical-devices-ivds (or)
  • an enabling medtech product or device using assistive, additive manufacturing or 3D printing technologies

What is an enabling medtech product or device?

Enabling medtech products or devices help individuals with disabilities successfully perform activities they would otherwise be unable to perform. They are predominantly used in service-oriented solutions with therapeutic expertise and to maintain high quality of patient outcomes. Assistive devices are enabling medtech products. Some examples of assistive technology include:

  • mobility aids, such as wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, canes, crutches, prosthetic devices, and orthotic devices
  • hearing aids to help people hear or hear more clearly
  • cognitive aids, including computer or electrical assistive devices, to help people with memory, attention, or other challenges in their thinking skills
  • physical modifications in the built environment, including ramps, grab bars, and wider doorways to enable access to buildings, businesses, and workplaces
  • lightweight, high-performance devices that enable persons with disabilities to work, play sports and be physically active.

Learn more here.

Is there a timeframe within which the project needs to be completed?

Successful projects are required to be completed within 12 months of the start date and within FY22-23.

Does the project need to occur in Victoria?

Yes, a project proposed for grant funding must be to develop a manufactured medtech product or for the development of value chain inputs for a manufactured medtech product, where the product is or will be for the duration of the project wholly or partially manufactured in Victoria.

How will my application be assessed?

Eligible applications will be assessed by an expert panel on how well they meet the assessment criteria.

The panel will:

  • review and score applications individually against the assessment criteria
  • rank all projects against each other
  • determine the number of applications that will be recommended subject to funding being available
  • recommend the applications for approval.

All supplementary attachments and information provided as part of the application will be taken into consideration during the assessment process.

How does the assessment work?

Eligible applications will be assessed on how well they meet the assessment criteria as outlined below:

  1. The quality of the project (based on section 3.2 Project Eligibility) and how well it will assist the business to build its capability and capacity to manufacture in Victoria to meet a market need.
  2. The potential to create employment and revenue opportunities in medtech manufacturing for the business and for Victoria.
  3. The ability to implement the project.
  4. The need for funding.

For the full assessment criteria, please refer to the program guidelines.

When will I learn the outcome of my application?

You will receive an outcome 30 days from the program closing.

Can I dispute the outcome of my application?

No. The decision from the expert panel and the Minister for Industry Support and Recovery will be final. However, feedback will be provided upon request.

What are the conditions of the grant?

As a condition of funding, successful applicants will be required to deliver regular project and expenditure reports at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months. Further conditions will be detailed in the funding agreement.

Are joint applications acceptable?

Yes, provided the lead applicant meets the eligibility criteria. The lead applicant will be subject to a financial risk assessment and all participating businesses will be subject to probity checks.

Both applicants may contribute to project expenditure to meet any co-contribution requirements.

Can I lodge an application under one entity and create the new jobs under a related entity?

No. If an application is successful, the applicant entity will be required to enter into a grant agreement with the Government that links payments to investment and job creation targets.

The applicant entity must undertake the investment and also employ the proposed new full-time equivalent positions resulting from the investment.

Do successful applicants have to sign a contract to receive the grant funding?

Yes. If successful, applicants will be invited to enter into a legally binding grant agreement with the Department. The grant agreement details all funding obligations and conditions. The funding offer may be withdrawn if the Grant Agreement is not signed and returned to the Department by the successful applicant by the date to be set by the Department. The project must not commence until a grant agreement has been duly executed by both the Department and the successful applicant.

A sample grant agreement will be available on the program page.

How quickly do the companies have to start their projects?

Successful applicants will need to commence projects within 90 days of execution of the grant agreement.

Can I start my project before I have signed a grant agreement?

No. Funding will not be provided for retrospective activities, i.e. where project expenditure is incurred prior to receipt and acceptance of a letter of offer. Applicants that commence their projects prior to execution of a grant agreement do so at their own risk, and the offer of the grant may be withdrawn.

Will successful applicants be obligated to create the number of jobs estimated in their application?

Yes, the number of new sustainable FTE jobs expected to be created in applications will be a legally binding commitment in the grant agreement.

Will my company information provided at application be kept confidential?

Information provided by applicants for the purpose of submitting an application will be used by the Department for the purposes of assessment of applications, program administration and program review. In making an application, the applicant consents to the provision of their information to State and Commonwealth Government departments and agencies for the purpose of assessing applications. If there is an intention to include personal information about third parties in the application, please ensure they are aware of and consent to the contents of this privacy statement.

Any personal information about the applicant or a third party will be collected, held, managed, used, disclosed or transferred in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and other applicable laws.

The Department is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information. The Department’s Privacy Policy can be found online. Enquiries about access to information should be directed to the Department’s Privacy Unit by emailing privacy@ecodev.vic.gov.au.

If successful, will my project details be made public?

Grant recipients and project details may be involved in promotional material created by the Department (such as media releases or case studies). Grant recipients must consult with the Department prior to the publication of promotional materials.

Successful projects may be announced by the Minister for Industry Recovery and Support in a media release and may also be listed here.

What if I need further assistance?

More information can be found in the program guidelines available on the program page.

If you require further assistance, please contact us via email or call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15.

For email inquiries relating to the Medtech Manufacturing Capability Program, contact ammc@ecodev.vic.gov.au.