What is the Multicultural Business Chambers and Trader Groups Program?

This program supports Victorian business chambers and trader groups that service multicultural businesses by funding locally led initiatives that ensure their members have access to the services they need.

It will increase the understanding and responsiveness of these organisations to multicultural business’ needs, and support activities that increase local business participation and networking, promote and activate local economic activity and build business capability.

How much grant funding is available?

The program will provide grants of between $5,000 and $20,000.

It is anticipated that the grant will be paid in two milestone payments as follows:

  • 80% when the grant agreement is executed
  • 20% once the project is completed and the final report has been submitted to the satisfaction of the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (the Department).

What is the definition of a multicultural business?

Multicultural businesses refer to businesses that identify as being of a specific ethnic, language or cultural community that has common needs, customs and traditions.

Are all Victorian business chambers and trader groups eligible to apply?

Applicants must meet the eligibility criteria as specified in the guidelines.

Organisations that represent Victorian multicultural businesses in multiple locations or state-wide in Victoria are eligible to apply.

Business chambers and trader groups that operate Australia-wide are not eligible.

Will all eligible applicants receive funding?

This is a competitive grant process and funding will be allocated until all available program funds are exhausted. Not all eligible applicants will receive funding.

Applications will be assessed against the strength of the project proposal and the capacity of the organisation to deliver it, as outlined below.

What types of expenses are eligible for project funding?

Eligible expenses are costs directly attributable towards the project and may include:

  • guest presenter, speaker or trainer engagement
  • digital content development costs
  • equipment hire
  • advertising
  • in language services
  • supplementary resourcing to deliver a project, such as additional wages or contractor costs
  • developer costs.

What types of expenses are not eligible for project funding?

Ineligible expenses include:

  • business-as-usual operating expenses, unless a percentage of these is approved in advance by the Department
  • current wages paid to existing staff
  • activities that have already received government support (including local, state and federal government funding)
  • activities already funded by the government
  • purchase of property or assets
  • construction or capital works or related activities.

What information is required when applying for this program?

To apply for the program, you need to complete the application form and provide information, including:

  • confirmation of not-for-profit status of your organisation
  • the number of businesses your organisation represents, including multicultural business members
  • a clear and detailed project proposal
  • a breakdown of the costs associated with the project
  • an outline of how you plan to complete the project by April 2025.

Optional supporting documents may include:

  • further details on project and expected benefits
  • more detailed description of the organisation’s business members (e.g. industry sectors represented, cultural diversity)
  • letters of support, as appropriate.

Your application and any supporting documentation will be assessed as outlined in the program guidelines.

How does the assessment process work?

A Departmental panel will assess all applications against the following weighted criteria:

  • project alignment with program objectives and its potential contribution to program outcomes: 60%
  • applicant's capability and capacity to deliver the project: 40%.

For further information about the assessment process, please refer to the program guidelines.

When will I find out if my grant application is successful?

The Department aims to notify all applicants of the outcome of their fully completed and submitted application by 31 August 2024. There may be delays if your application:

  • does not meet all the eligibility criteria
  • does not have correct evidence or documentation
  • has incorrect information, such as ABN or incorporated association registration number.

Is my organisation eligible for this grant if it already received a grant under the former Business Chambers & Traders Group program?

Yes. Organisations that received grants from the former Business Chambers and Trader Groups program can apply for a grant. They must have completed all obligations under any previous grant agreements.

Applications to extend or repeat  a project funded under rounds of the former Business Chambers and Trader Groups program must demonstrate the new benefits to be delivered.