What is the Social Enterprise Support Grants Program?

Social Enterprise Support Grants will provide assistance to eligible social enterprises to purchase key plant, machinery or equipment of up to $50,000 (excl. GST) that will enable them to grow, increase capacity, employ additional staff and/or deliver greater impact.

When are the opening/closing dates for applications?

Applications open on 22 March 2022 and close at 11:59pm on 10 April 2022.

What documentation is required for my application?

Applicants must include the following documentation to their application:

Document type


Evidence of Certification

Copy of current Social Traders Certification or evidence of application for Social Traders pre-certification assessment (for further details see Social Traders Assessment Information Sheet, Appendix to the Program Guidelines).


12-month Profit & Loss Statement (either Financial Year 21 or Year to Date) to demonstrate 12 months operating income from trading activity.


At least two itemised quotes relating to proposed project expenditure from a legitimate supplier that include the supplier’s business details and ABN. NOTE: One quote may be supplied where there is strong justification, such as specialist equipment or suppliers. See section below regarding conflict of interest.

Project plan

Documentation outlining and supporting the proposed timeline and outcomes of the project. Including any project risks and mitigation strategies.

Other support materials (optional)

May include letters of support, income projections, studies, master plans, compliance requirements or other evidence of support directly related to the project. NOTE: Only submit supporting documentation that has a clear correlation to the project.

How do I know if my organisation is eligible?

To check your organisations eligibility for the program please check section 3 of the Program Guidelines.

How do I apply?

Applicants must undertake the following steps to apply:

  • Carefully read the Program Guidelines and confirm eligibility for this grant
  • Compile all necessary supporting documents to apply as detailed in the ‘Documentation and Information Requirements’ section of these Program Guidelines.
  • Submit application online via Social Enterprise Support Grants Program web page.
  • Await email confirmation of application submission. Please check spam/junk mail if confirmation email cannot be seen in your inbox.

What activities will be funded?

Examples of projects supported under this program include:

Purchasing key plant, machinery or equipment (fixed assets that are used to produce the goods and services for the business) that enables;

  • process improvements or increased production/output workflow and allocation,
  • an increase in operations and/or employment of additional staff (disadvantaged Victorians); or
  • upgrades or expansion that allows the business to offer new or different services

Please refer to section 4 of the Program Guidelines for further information.

Can I partner with another organisation to act as an auspice?

No, applicants cannot have another organisation act as an auspice.

Can I partner with another organisation to deliver the program?

No, applicants cannot partner with another organisation to deliver the project.

What are the minimum and maximum amounts for the grants?

The program offers grants from a minimum amount of $5000 (excl. GST) to a maximum amount of up to $50,000 (excl. GST).

Do I need to be registered for GST?

Yes, businesses must be registered for GST to be eligible for the program.

What are the cash co-contribution requirements?

Applicants are required to make a minimum of 25% financial contribution or source third party funding for the project to meet the Applicant’s 25% contribution.

Funds from other Local, State or Commonwealth Government programs cannot form part of the Applicant’s co-contribution.

How long do I have to deliver my program/project?

Successful applicants must commence their project prior to 30 June 2022. Approved projects must be completed by 5 December 2022.

Project funding must be acquitted no later than 30 March 2023.

What are the terms and conditions of the funding agreement?

Please check section 9 of the Program Guidelines to view the terms and conditions of the funding agreement.

What is a Social Traders pre-certification and how do I obtain it?

Social Traders provide the only Social Enterprise certification in Australia. Social Enterprises not certified by Social Traders will need to be verified through a pre-certification process with Social Traders, please refer to Appendix 1 (Social Traders assessment information sheet) of the Program Guidelines. You can also visit their website https://www.socialtraders.com.au/

What evidence is required for pre-certification?

Social Traders will issue you with a receipt upon your application for pre-certification. You will need to attach this to your grant application. Pre-certification will be assessed alongside your grant application.

You will need to ensure you have attached all the necessary documentation required by Social Traders for them to make a determination.

How are grant applications assessed?

Applications will be assessed against the assessment criteria by a DJPR panel. The assessment process can be viewed in detail in section 6 of the Program Guidelines.

When can I expect to hear the outcome of my application?

Applicants will be notified in writing regarding the outcome of their application up to ten weeks from the closing date.

Where do I find more information?

For further information please check the Program Guidelines or email SPE@ecodev.vic.gov.au.

An information session will be held on Tuesday 29 March 2022 from 4pm to 5pm. Register for the session via Humanitix.