The list of eligible Australia and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) codes for the Timber Supply Chain Resilience Package are:

  • 1413 Timber Resawing and Dressing
  • 1492 Wooden Structural Fitting and Component Manufacturing
  • 1499 Other Wood Product Manufacturing n.e.c.
  • 2511 Wooden Furniture and Upholstered Seat Manufacturing.

To view and update your ANZSIC code you will need:

  • your Australian Business Number (ABN) and
  • myGovID details.

If you have not yet set up your myGovID, please set one up on the myGov website.

If you update your business's ANZSIC code after 23 May 2023, you will require written agreement from the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR)  to be eligible for support under the Timber Supply Chain Resilience Package. Please email your request to

If you have the above details and information, this process should take no longer than 10-15 minutes by following the following steps:

  1. go to the ABR website.
  2. click on ‘update your ABN’.
  3. you will then use the myGovID logon process to progress through to the Australian Business Register (ABR) site.
  4. this opens up into your ABN summary. Locate the menu on the right hand side of page and click on ANZSIC and business details.
  5. check your ANZSIC details. If you need to update your details, click on ‘Update ABN record’. Choose ANZSIC and business details tab from the menu across the top of the page:
    1. describe main business activity: Describe the main business activity - a phrase or multiple words.
    2. select Category best matching main business activity: Choose from the pre-populated drop-down menu. The categories will be displayed once you describe main business activity.
    3. ANZSIC Code & description: These will be automatically applied based on what main business activity and categories you have chosen.
  6. to save your changes use the ‘Submit’ button on the declaration tab.

Other ways to view and update your ANZSIC details:

  • contact the ABR on 13 92 26
  • ask your tax or accounting professional.