What is the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

The Impacted Public Events Support Program has been designed to support event organisers and suppliers of larger public events in Victoria.  

The program provides grants for organisers and suppliers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 public events under the Public Events Framework that are approved or registered to take place between 11:59pm on 24 June 2021 and 11:59pm on 23 September 2021.

The second round of the Impacted Public Events Support Program supports the events sector, which plays a key role in Victoria’s culture and economy and continues to be severely affected by recent health restrictions.

How much is the grant under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

Event organisers of Tier 1 and Tier 2 public events registered under the Public Events Framework may be eligible for a $25,000 grant. Suppliers to Tier 1 and Tier 2 events may be eligible for a $10,000 grant.

Who is eligible for the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

Event organisers and suppliers to Tier 1 and Tier 2 public events registered under the Public Events Framework that are approved and registered to take place between 11:59pm on 24 June 2021 and 11:59pm on 23 September 2021 are eligible for grant under this program.

Will the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two be an invitation-only program?

No. Organisers and suppliers that meet the eligibility criteria can apply directly to the program.

When do applications open for the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

Applications will open soon for Tier 1 and Tier 2 event organisers and suppliers via the program page.

What eligible costs does the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two cover?

  • eligible expenses covered under this program include business costs such as utilities, wages or rent
  • costs for financial, legal or other advice for business continuity planning
  • marketing and communications costs
  • costs for any supporting activities to operate the business.

My event has received funding under the Impacted Public Events Support Program. Can I still apply for the Impacted Public Events Support Round Two?

Yes. Organisers and suppliers of a Tier 1 and Tier 2 public event that received funding under the first round of the Impacted Public Events Support Program can apply for a grant under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two if they meet the eligibility criteria.

Businesses that received a grant through the initial Impacted Public Events Support Program may receive funding through the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two if they have another, unique event that was cancelled in the period of 11:59pm 24 June 2021 to 11:59pm 23 September 2021. They may also receive funding if the original event was rescheduled and cancelled again in that period.

Any costs claimed under the first round of the Impacted Public Events Support Program are not eligible to be claimed as costs for this round, and applicants must identify and provide evidence of new non-recoverable costs.

How long will applications be open for the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

The program will be open for applications for four weeks.

What is a Tier 1 or Tier 2 event?

A Tier 1 event under the Public Events Framework has more than 7500 attendees per event per day.

A Tier 2 event has between 1001 and 7500 attendees per event per day.

What is the Public Events Framework?

The COVID-19 Public Events Framework has guided event organisers and venues that wished to operate beyond what was allowed under the Victorian Chief Health Officer’s Restricted Activity Directions (Victoria) or do not have a COVIDSafe Plan.

I am a supplier to an eligible Tier 1 or Tier 2 public event. Can I apply for this program?

Yes. Suppliers to an eligible Tier 1 or Tier 2 public event can apply for a grant under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two.

I am the organiser or host of a business event. Am I eligible for this program?

Yes. If your business event is registered as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 public event under the Public Events Framework.

I am the organiser or host of a Tier 1 or Tier 2 registered event that runs over multiple sessions. Will they be considered as a single event?

Yes. Events held over multiple sessions or days will be considered as a single event.

Can I apply for multiple grants under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

A business (as defined by its ABN) can only receive a maximum of two event organiser grants of up to $25,000 for unique events and three supplier grants of up to $10,000 for unique events over both Round One and Round Two of the program. A business cannot receive an event organiser grant and a supplier grant for the same event.

My business provides the venue for a Tier 1 or Tier 2 registered event. Can I apply for a grant?

Yes. Venue operators may be eligible as a supplier and can apply for a grant under Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two.

I am not GST-registered. Can I still apply for a grant under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

No. Businesses must have been registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) on 24 June 2021. More information about this is available on the Australian Taxation Office website.

Not-for-profit entities with annual turnover between $75,000 and $150,000 that are not registered for GST and are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission are eligible to apply.

Businesses with annual 2019-20 turnover of $75,000 or more that are not required by taxation legislation to be registered for GST are eligible to apply, subject to provision of a statutory declaration from a registered tax agent.

My event has received funding under another Victorian Government business support program. Can I still apply for the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two?

Any funding received by a business under the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two (BCAP2) including the Tourism Supplement and the Top-Up payments, the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 (LHVF21), the Live Performance Support Program (LPSP), or the Sustainable Event Business Program (SEBP), will be deducted from the total funding provided under this program. The calculation of deductions will be subject to the following considerations:

  • Additional Top-Up support payments for BCAP2 and LHVF21 announced by the Government since 16 July 2021 will not be deducted from the funding provided under this program.
  • If a business received a grant under the first round of the Impacted Public Events Support Program and there was a deduction, amounts from BCAP2, LHVF21 and LPSP will not be deducted from funding provided under this program.

I have applied for a grant under the Impacted Public Events Support Program Round Two. When will I receive a notification on the outcome of my application?

As noted in the Program Guidelines, DJPR will endeavour to notify all applicants of the outcome of their application within 20 business days. There may be delays if your application:

  • does not meet all the eligibility criteria
  • does not have correct evidence or documentation
  • requires you to make changes
  • is a duplicate application for the same business
  • has incorrect information, such as ABN or bank details
  • does not include current or accurate information registered with relevant regulators or partner agencies, such as the State Revenue Office, Australian Business Register or WorkSafe Victoria.

My event was scheduled to take place after 23 September 2021, however will not be able to proceed according to the Roadmap. Will I be eligible for funding under this program?

The Victorian Government is consulting with industry stakeholders and businesses on what the roadmap means for individual sectors. More information on any further industry support will be provided at a later date.