Concessional loans are available to support small businesses and not-for-profit organisations impacted by the Victorian Floods which commenced in October 2022 (the “2022 Victorian Floods”).
The Victorian Small Business and Not-for-Profit Flood Recovery Concessional Loans are jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian State Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Concessional loans of up to $250,000 are available to assist eligible entities that have suffered significant damage to their assets and/or significant loss of income. If an entity is claiming only for significant loss of income, the maximum loan amount they can receive is $100,000.
The loans are intended to be used for the purposes of restoring and/or replacing damaged assets and/or to meet working capital expenses.
Loans have a concessional interest rate for up to five years (loans revert to a commercial rate of interest for any remaining loan term after the concessional period). For the year to 30 June 2023 the concessional interest rate is 1.69%. This rate is updated annually.
Rural Finance is the administering agency for these concessional loans. For guidelines including eligibility criteria, and to submit an expression of interest and apply, please visit the Rural Finance website via the Apply now buttons on this page.