EOIs closed

Expressions of Interest for the Commercial Sector Innovation Fund closed on 18 February 2022 and all applications received are currently being assessed.

For more information, see the Department of Transport and Planning website.

Program overview

The Zero Emissions Vehicles Commercial Sector Innovation Fund (CSIF) seeks to increase the uptake of zero emission vehicle (ZEV) technology in commercial settings and encourage the use of ZEV technology in Victoria.

The CSIF will provide grants to successful applicants to support innovative proposals which will increase business readiness or the uptake of ZEVs in Victoria.

Eligible businesses and organisations can submit an Expression of Interest application (EOI) until 18 February 2022.

A wide range of innovative proposals is sought to accelerate the take-up of ZEVs in the commercial sector in Victoria. Proposals are also sought from a diverse range of commercial settings such as commercial passenger vehicles, freight and infrastructure industries.

Co-funding of proposals is encouraged to demonstrate value-for-money. Agreements funded through CSIF grants must be completed by mid-2023 unless otherwise agreed.

The fund will consider a range of proposals including:

  • direct purchase incentives for ZEVs for commercial fleets or collective purchasing arrangements
  • trials of ZEV technology with specific commercial users/uses (eg. wheelchair-accessible ZEVs or waste collection vehicles)
  • development and implementation of training to assist the industry’s transition to ZEVs
  • support for vehicle-charging infrastructure within fleet depots
  • business case development.


All EOIs will be assessed against the same weighting criteria.

The Panel will consider:

  • Project Drivers — what are the key motivating factors behind the project and reasons for its inception.
  • Deliverability — the expected likelihood and quality of delivering what is being proposed.
  • Benefits — how will the environment, industry, Government or the Victorian community benefit.
  • Funding — what funds are being sought from Government. What funds are being or have already been invested.
  • Knowledge sharing — how is it proposed that learnings from the proposal are understood, evaluated and shared.

Check the Department of Transport website for full eligibility and assessment criteria.

Grant amount

The maximum grant amount is $2 million. Each proposal will be assessed individually and decisions will be made on a case-by-case basis.