10 Sep 2021

Businesses in regional Victoria will continue to receive financial support as they begin to reopen.

The Victorian Government has announced that cash grants for regional businesses most affected by the current lockdown will proceed next week and are not affected by the decision to end lockdown restrictions in regional Victoria from 11:59pm on Thursday, 9 September.

This means businesses will receive automatic deposits ranging from $5600 to $40,000. This is full payment for the two weeks from 2 to 16 September.

Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four

Grants under the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four will be made to about 18,000 regional business at tiered levels, depending on worker numbers. Grant tiers are as follows:

  • Businesses with an annual payroll of up to $650,000 will receive $5600 – equal to two weekly payments of $2800
  • Businesses with a payroll of $650,000 to $3 million will get $11,200 – equal to two weekly payments of $5600
  • Businesses with a payroll of $3 million to $10 million will receive $16,800 – equal to two weekly payments of $8400

Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund

Some 2300 eligible cafes, restaurants, hotels and bars in regional areas will receive automatic payments through the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund. Payments will be provided at tiered levels, depending on patron capacity.

Grant tiers are as follows:

  • Venues with a capacity of less than 100 people will receive $10,000 for the fortnight
  • Venues with a capacity of 100 to 499 will receive $20,000 for the fortnight
  • Larger venues will receive $40,000 for the fortnight

Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme

Under the Commercial Tenancy Relief Scheme, landlords are required to provide proportionate rent relief for businesses with a turnover of less than $50 million that have experienced a fall in turnover of 30% or greater, regardless of location.

Supporting Victorian businesses

Together, the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments have allocated $4.3 billion to ensure Victorian businesses can remain viable throughout lockdown, with automatic top-up payments and grants to help cover wages and overheads.

Over the course of the pandemic, the Victorian Government has provided more than $10 billion in direct financial support for businesses, including $3.1 billion in cash grants to more than 130,000 businesses since the May/June restrictions period.

Further information

Please subscribe to the Business Victoria newsletter for updates on these and other business support programs.