22 Aug 2021
The Victorian Government has announced a package of automatic cash grants that will provide regional Victorian businesses with the support they need following the extension of the current lockdown to the whole state.
Lockdown directions commenced at 1:00pm on Saturday, 21 August in regional Victoria and will continue until 11:59pm on Friday, 2 September, aligning with restrictions in metropolitan Melbourne.
Grants to be paid through the new $146.6 million initiative, jointly funded by the Commonwealth and Victorian Governments, will be made automatically without the need for regional businesses to make an application.
The support announced today builds on the package announced on 19 August and comprises:
Business Costs Assistance Program
Around 18,000 businesses in regional Victoria will automatically receive payments of $5600 ($2800 per week) if they have previously received grants under the Business Costs Assistance Round Two or July Extension programs.
The payments will allow businesses to continue paying overheads and other costs while they are unable to operate.
Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund
Automatic payments of $5000, $10,000 or $20,000 per week will be made to more than 2,000 licensed hospitality premises in regional Victoria that have previously received grants under the Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund 2021 or July Extension programs.
Payment amounts will be tiered according to a premises’ capacity:
- $5,000 for a capacity of up to 99 patrons
- $10,000 for 100 to 499 patrons, or
- $20,000 for a capacity of 500 patrons or more.
Alpine Resorts Winter Support Program
This targeted program will provide payments of $5000, $10,000 or $20,000 per week, depending on business type and location.
COVID-19 Disaster Payments
Eligible workers who lose work due to the lockdown can access the Commonwealth’s COVID-19 Disaster Payment, as can sole-traders who do not qualify for Victorian Government support programs.
The payment is $450 for people who have lost 8-20 hours work over seven days or $750 for 20 hours or more of work lost.
Business owners who want help applying for the Commonwealth COVID-19 Disaster Payment can access the Business Victoria Concierge Service on 13 22 15.
Small Business COVID Hardship Fund
Business in regional Victoria that do not qualify for this new support and have experienced a reduction in revenue of at least 70% are encouraged to apply for the Small Business COVID Hardship Fund, which provides grants of $14,000 to successful applicants.
More information about business support programs is available at Grants and programs.
All Victorians are encouraged to book their vaccination appointment by visiting portal.cvms.vic.gov.au or by phoning the Coronavirus hotline on 1800 675 398.
Visit Vaccination centres for more information on Victoria’s vaccination centres, including locations and opening hours.