17 Feb 2022
The Victorian Government has announced the easing of a number of restrictions and recommendations in place during the state’s Omicron surge.
From 6pm Friday 18 February 2022:
- density quotients of one person per two square metres in place at hospitality and entertainment venues will be removed
- indoor dancefloors at these venues can reopen
- QR code check-in requirements will no longer be in place at retail venues, schools (including childcare and early childhood) and for employees at many workplaces
- QR code check-in and vaccination check requirements will remain in all 'vaccinated economy' settings, such as hospitality and entertainment venues
- mandatory surveillance testing for key industries, including meat processing, will become recommended only
- requirements for hospital worker ‘bubbles’ will be removed, but health services may still implement them at their discretion
- international arrivals will no longer be required to obtain an international arrivals permit
- the 14-day hotel quarantine period for international visitors and aircrew who aren’t fully vaccinated or medically exempt will reduce to seven days
As community transmission of COVID‑19 continues to fall throughout Victoria and vaccination coverage increases, the Minister for Health will consider changes to office-based settings from next week.
The Minister will also consider easing existing mitigation strategies in office-based settings such as face mask requirements, with consideration to those who have received a third dose of the vaccine and the added protection that it provides.
Further details on the new restrictions will be published online at coronavirus.vic.gov.au
Read the full media release on the Premier's website.