Bushfire recovery supports
If your business or industry has been impacted by the 2024-25 bushfires in Western Victoria, support is available to assist with your immediate and long-term recovery.
Upcoming supports include:
- Business Recovery Advisory Service – free business support for impacted businesses, via telephone, online or in-person for impacted businesses, to find the right strategies for long-term recovery.
- Business Bushfire Recovery Grant Program – $5,000 grants to small businesses, including eligible primary producers, that have experienced significant disruptions and revenue losses due to the bushfires.
These programs are jointly funded by the Australian and Victorian Governments under the Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements for the Western Victoria Bushfires which commenced in December 2024 (AGRN 1166).
Sign up for updates
Register your interest to receive updates on the 2024-25 Western Victoria Bushfire Recovery grants and other related supports as they become available.
For immediate assistance
Australian Government Disaster Recovery Allowance | Income support payments for employees, primary producers and sole traders who can demonstrate they have experienced a loss of income as a direct result of bushfire. | |
VicEmergency | Up-to-date bushfire and emergency information and useful resources on emergency relief and recovery. | |
Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES) | Flood, storm, emergency first responders and flood preparedness. | 13 25 00 |
Australian Red Cross | Help to cope with a crisis and manage what you or others might experience after a natural disaster. | |
Lifeline | 13 HELP is Lifeline's 24/7 dedicated support line if you are living through bushfire recovery or struggling to cope with an extreme weather-related event. |
More information
Find further support, services and information to help recover from the impacts of bushfire: