I require a translator, who should I contact?
If you require a translator, please call Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15 and let the operator know. They will contact the Translating and Interpreting Service for you.
The bank account details I listed in my application have changed, how do I update them?
You can update your business’ or personal bank account details via the Business Victoria grants portal by completing and submitting the bank account update request form.
Please note the individual and/or business and identity details you provide in the request form will be matched against what was provided in your original application form, so it is critical that the details correspond as closely as possible.
Can I update my personal or business bank account details via email?
No. For security reasons, we are unable to update bank account details via email.
You can update your bank account details via the Business Victoria grants portal by completing and submitting the bank account update request form.
I did not submit the original grant application form, someone else submitted it on my behalf or on behalf of the business. Can I update the bank account details provided?
Yes, in certain circumstances. Please complete and submit the bank account update request form and we will contact you if we need additional information.
How long will it take for my personal or business bank account details to be updated?
Changes to bank details can take up to 15 business days to process.
What happens if I provided incorrect bank account details on my original application form and the payment has been made to the wrong account?
If incorrect bank account details were provided on the original application form and payment(s) have been successfully made to this account, we will contact you separately, by either email or phone.
In the meantime, we ask you to complete the bank account update request form.
What happens if I provided incorrect bank account details on my original application form and the payment was rejected?
If we cannot make a payment to your account due to incorrect bank account details, we will contact you.
You will be asked to update your bank account details via the Business Victoria grants portal by completing and submitting a request form.
I’ve received an email advising me that the bank account details for my grant application are going to be changed. I didn’t request this, what should I do?
If you did not submit this request or do not want to change the bank account details for this application, please urgently email info@business.vic.gov.au with subject line ‘ACTION: Bank Account Update Issue’. Please provide your:
- grant application (GA-F) or OPP reference number
- contact details and,
- if applicable, your business name and ABN details.
Your GA or OPP reference numbers can be found on previous emails from the Department about your grant application, or by logging into the DJPR grants portal and viewing your current grant applications.
You can also call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15, open seven days a week. If you require a translator, please let us know and we will call the Translating and Interpreting Service for you.
What is my Grant Application (GA-F) or OPP reference numbers, and where can I find these?
Your GA-F or OPP reference numbers can be found on previous emails from the Department about your grant application, or by logging into the DJPR grants portal and viewing your current grant applications.
I no longer want to update my bank account details, but I’ve already submitted my request form, what should I do?
If you no longer wish to change the bank account details for this application, please urgently email info@business.vic.gov.au with subject line ‘ACTION: Bank Account Update Issue’. Please provide your:
- grant application (GA-F) or OPP reference number
- contact details and,
- if applicable, your business name and ABN details.
Your GA-F or OPP reference numbers can be found on previous emails from the Department about your grant application, or by logging into the DJPR grants portal and viewing your current grant applications.
I submitted my request to change my bank account details, what do I do now?
No further action is required. You will receive an automatic email notification acknowledging submission of your request. We will also email you once your request form has been reviewed and accepted.
Changes to bank details can take up to 15 business days to process.
Who should I contact for further information?
If you have any questions, please call the Business Victoria hotline on 13 22 15, open seven days a week. If you require a translator, please let us know and we will call the Translating and Interpreting Service for you.