The Victorian Government, through Business Victoria, works with various organisations to deliver projects, events and programs aimed at helping businesses grow and succeed across the State. These organisations may receive grants or be engaged as delivery partners.

If you are a grant recipient or delivery partner, it's important that you publicly acknowledge the Victorian Government support in appropriate ways, such as, by displaying the Business Victoria logo on relevant materials or including a verbal or written acknowledgment in communications.

The following information provides guidance to help you fulfill your communication obligations and acknowledgment responsibilities.

1. Logo Display and Usage Guidelines

  • All supported projects have basic acknowledgment and logo requirements, and some may have additional ones. Check your grant funding agreement, project contract or instructions from your Business Victoria contact to understand your specific responsibilities.
  • You are required to use the Business Victoria logo on all public materials that are related to your funded project or activity, unless otherwise advised by your Business Victoria contact.
  • Public materials that need a logo include (but are not limited to) references to the project on websites, social media, advertisements, (digital, print, outdoor), signage, reports and presentations.
  • The logos should only be used and placed in locations with prior approval only from Business Victoria, as part of contracted or funded activities. Any use outside the scope of your agreement or without prior approval should be discussed with your Business Victoria contact.
  • Follow the guidelines for using the Business Victoria logo to ensure proper display and consistency on all materials.

    Download Business Victoria Logo Files

  • Submit all materials featuring the logo to your Business Victoria contact for approval at least 5 business days before use.

2. Text and Verbal Acknowledgements

  • A text or verbal acknowledgement of the Victorian Government's support should be used in media releases, launch/event speeches and other promotional opportunities where a logo may not be possible.
  • Use the following wording in public speeches, interviews and any text-only promotions where a logo may not be applicable:
  • "[This project/organisation] is supported by the Victorian Government through Business Victoria."

3. Requests for Event Representation

  • It is important that you let your Business Victoria contact know about upcoming events, including date, location and the type of event, to help strengthen opportunities for collaboration and overall project outcomes.
  • If you would like a Ministerial representative for your event or a quote for your communications, please email your Business Victoria contact at least 2 months in advance. For departmental or Business Victoria representatives, please provide at least 3 weeks notice.
  • Share details about the event’s purpose, audience and the specific role you’d like the representative to play. This helps ensure the most suitable person is made available for your event.

4. Media Engagement

  • Let us know about any media plans related to the project or activity to ensure aligned messaging.
  • If you would like a quote from a Victorian Government representative for your communications, please email your Business Victoria contact and provide at least 2 weeks notice.
  • If you receive any unexpected media enquiries, reach out to your Business Victoria contact for support and guidance on how to respond.

5. Social Media Acknowledgements

  • When using social media to promote supported activities, please use the following hashtags and account handles:
  • Submit all proposed social media items that promote supported activities to your Business Victoria contact for approval at least 3 business days before use.

6. Further Support

If you have any other questions about using the logo or acknowledging Victorian Government support for your project, event, or activity, please email your Business Victoria contact.