Plan and prepare for drought

What is drought?

The Bureau of Meteorology describes drought as a prolonged, abnormally dry period when the amount of available water is insufficient to meet normal use. The effect of a drought can impact an entire community, particularly in agricultural regions.

Review your water usage

Include specific drought preparation steps in the toolkit:

  • devise an action plan to conserve, maintain and review all water resource supplies
  • check with local industry networks for drought planning guidelines or requirements when developing your plan
  • contact local authorities to obtain specific information to help develop drought management strategies for your business
  • research local rainfall records (you can use a combination of official records and local experience)
  • identify alternate water supplies, consider using non-potable water
  • regularly maintain your water consumption sources (e.g. install water-efficient nozzles on taps, check for leaks)
  • regularly maintain equipment that uses water
  • introduce water saving measures in your workplace.

If water restrictions are declared impacting your business:

  • check with your local council to learn about current water restrictions, guidelines and compliance requirements
  • install water-efficient appliances or fittings and check for leaks
  • introduce water-efficient procedures for your business operations and staff
  • educate and train staff about the importance of water efficiency and how it can benefit your business.

How to create a drought preparation checklist for your business

Business support

Looking out for your livestock, pets, and other animals

If your business involves larger animals you should prepare a plan. Agriculture Victoria’s website has information on dry seasons and drought support.

Drought preparation checklist and content courtesy of © The State of Queensland 1995-2024.