FAQ categories:

Questions about eligibility

Which sectors are eligible for a grant?

To see if your business is in an eligible industry sector you should:

  • check the four-digit ANZSIC class linked to your Australian Business Number (ABN) on the Australian Business Register and confirm it matches your primary business activity
  • check if the four-digit ANZSIC class linked to your ABN is in the list of eligible ANZSIC classes for this program.

If your four-digit ANZSIC class linked to your ABN is not on the list of eligible ANZSIC classes for this program, then your business is not eligible for a grant under this program.

If you need to update your ANZSIC class, more information is available on the Australian Business Register.

You should only change your ANZSIC class if your current one does not accurately reflect your business activity.

How do I update my Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial Classification (ANZSIC) on the Australian Business Register?

Only update your ANZSIC class if your current class does not reflect the activities of your business.

Business Victoria is not able to advise you on which ANZSIC class your business falls into. If you are unsure about your business’ ANZSIC class, please seek independent advice, from your accountant for example, or by contacting the Australian Business Register.

If you need to update your ABR details, there is a step-by-step guide on the Australian Business Register and the Business Victoria website.

I previously applied for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two and the July Extension program (or another COVID-19 related grant) and was not eligible. Can I still apply for this program?

Yes, but you must meet all of this program’s eligibility criteria to be eligible for a grant.

I received a grant/support through another COVID-19 business support program. Can I apply for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction?

If you applied for and received funding under any of the following programs, then you are not eligible for a grant under this program:

If you have received assistance through the previous three rounds of the Business Support Fund, payroll tax rebate/waiver, or other COVID-19 business support programs, you can apply for a grant under this program if you meet the eligibility criteria.

I have applied for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two, July Extension or the Small Business COVID Hardship Fund but have not received an outcome. Can I apply for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction?

If you haven’t received a decision about one of those grant programs, you can apply for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction if you meet the eligibility criteria.

If your business is found to be eligible for more than one program, you will receive the grant under the program that provides the highest grant amount.

Why aren’t supply chain businesses for construction eligible for funding under this program?

The eligibility criteria for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction requires businesses to have incurred direct costs because of the restrictions placed on the construction industry from 21 September to 4 October 2021, and also not be able to fully operate remotely.

The program seeks to support businesses most affected by the industry restrictions. This does not include supply chain businesses for construction as these businesses were not required to cease operating during the construction shutdown.

What is meant by costs incurred during the shutdown?

Costs incurred as a result of the construction shutdown could be, for example, contract penalties, equipment rental, wages, paid leave for staff unable to attend work or any other direct costs affecting the operation of the business resulting from COVID-19 restrictions.

These costs may have been incurred prior to, on or after 20 September 2021, but must be costs incurred as a direct result of the construction sector shutdown. The costs must be incurred by the applying business, as defined by its ABN.

My business address is registered in regional Victoria, but I was contracted to work on a construction site in metropolitan Melbourne. Can I apply for this grant?

Yes. To be eligible for a grant under this program, your business address listed on the Australian Business Register (ABR) can be anywhere in Victoria, but the address of the construction site your business was contracted to work at must be located in one of the following areas (see the complete list of eligible Local Government Areas in the next FAQ):

  • Metropolitan Melbourne
  • The City of Greater Geelong
  • Mitchell Shire
  • Surf Coast Shire

You must meet all other eligibility criteria to receive a grant under this program.

Which Local Government Areas (LGAs) are applicable for this grant?

The construction site your business was contracted to work at must be located in one of the following LGAs:

Metropolitan Melbourne

  • Banyule City Council
  • Bayside City Council
  • Boroondara City Council
  • Brimbank City Council
  • Cardinia Shire Council
  • Casey City Council
  • Darebin City Council
  • Frankston City Council
  • Glen Eira City Council
  • Greater Dandenong City Council
  • Hobsons Bay City Council
  • Hume City Council
  • Kingston City Council
  • Knox City Council
  • Manningham City Council
  • Maribyrnong City Council
  • Maroondah City Council
  • Melbourne City Council
  • Melton City Council
  • Monash City Council
  • Moonee Valley City Council
  • Moreland City Council
  • Mornington Peninsula Shire Council
  • Nillumbik Shire Council
  • Port Phillip City Council
  • Stonnington City Council
  • Whitehorse City Council
  • Whittlesea City Council
  • Wyndham City Council
  • Yarra City Council
  • Yarra Ranges Shire Council

Regional Victoria

  • City of Greater Geelong
  • Surf Coast Shire
  • Mitchell Shire

I work across multiple sites, some small-scale construction sites and some large-scale construction sites, in different locations. Does it matter which one of these sites I list in my application?

The payment amount for this grant is based on whether a business employs staff or not, and for employing businesses, their annual 2019-2020 payroll size, not the size or condition of the construction site.

However, the construction site listed on the application must be located in metropolitan Melbourne, the City of Greater Geelong, Mitchell Shire or Surf Coast Shire.

I work across multiple sites. Can I receive more than one grant under this program?

No. The payment is capped at one grant per business.

I work on multiple construction sites in both metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria. Can I apply for a grant?

Yes, as long as one of the work site addresses is located in an eligible Local Government Area and you incurred costs as a result of the closure of that site. Applicants need only provide one address of an impacted work site.

Are construction businesses working at home renovation sites eligible for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction?

Construction businesses undertaking home renovation work may be eligible for a grant under this program if the home is classified as a building site. Building site classification occurs when building permit/s are required, as outlined by the Victorian Building Authority.

What is the list of Fully Exempt State Critical Infrastructure sites?

Department / Agency Name of project
All departments and agencies Safety and Essential maintenance works – all public infrastructure
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning, Water Authorities Critical water and sewer, water treatment works
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Critical electricity and gas supply, transmission and distribution projects
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning Yallourn Incident Response and Recovery Works, including Morwell River diversion remediation works

Questions about payments and top-up payments

Why are some businesses getting $2000 while others are getting over $8000?

The payment amount is tiered based on whether your business employs staff and, if so, on your business’ annual 2019-2020 payroll size, as verified with the State Revenue Office (SRO). The payment tiers are as follows:

  • $2000 for non-employing businesses
  • $2800 for employing businesses with annual payroll below $650,000
  • $5600 for employing businesses with an annual payroll between $650,000 and less than $3 million
  • $8400 for employing businesses with an annual payroll between $3 million and $10 million.

If the business’ payroll status cannot be verified for 2019-2020, then we may review your 2020-21 payroll status or request further evidence.

My business lost more than my eligible grant amount during the construction shutdown. Can I apply for more?

No, the grant is capped at the tiered amounts, as per employing status and payroll, per eligible business.

  • $2000 for non-employing businesses
  • $2800 for employing businesses with annual payroll below $650,000
  • $5600 for employing businesses with an annual payroll between $650,000 and less than $3 million
  • $8400 for employing businesses with an annual payroll between $3 million and $10 million.

If I incurred less than my grant amount in costs, will I need to pay some of the money back?

No. But businesses must attest they have incurred costs as a direct result of the restrictions to be eligible for a grant.

If I receive the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction grant, will I receive the Business Costs Assistance Program top-up payments?

No. Only businesses that have received funding under the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two or the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Two July Extension are eligible for the Business Costs Assistance Program top-up payments.

Why is 2019-20 payroll information being used to determine the size of the business and not 2020-21 information?

Due to the delay in many businesses submitting their 2020-21 payroll tax return with the State Revenue Office (SRO), the 2019-20 information is best suited to determining business size.

If a new business does not have 2019-20 payroll information, 2020-21 payroll information may be used if available.

Questions about Goods and Services Tax (GST)

Why do I have to be registered for Goods and Services Tax (GST) to receive this grant?

This program requires a business to be registered for GST because it shows the business was actively trading before Friday 24 September 2021 and is a genuine operation, which the owner and their employees or contractors rely on for income.

This is consistent with our previous COVID-19 support programs, including the Business Support Fund rounds two and three, the Sole Trader Support Fund (which supported non-employing businesses, including sole traders) and all rounds of the Business Costs Assistance Program.

A business must register for GST when it has a GST turnover (gross income minus GST) of $75,000 or more.

Not-for-profit entities with annual turnover between $75,000 and $150,000, which are not registered for GST and are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission, are eligible to apply.

My business has an annual 2019-20 turnover of less than $75,000, which means I’m not required to be registered for GST. Am I eligible for a grant under this program due to this exception?

No, you must be registered for GST on Friday 24 September 2021 and meet all the other eligibility criteria to receive a grant under this program.

The only exception under this program is not-for-profit entities with annual turnover between $75,000 and $150,000 that are not registered for GST but are registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-Profit Commission.

Please consult a registered tax agent or the Australian Taxation Office if you need more information about whether your business falls under this category.

Sole traders who are not registered for GST and who have lost hours or income may also be eligible for financial support through the Commonwealth Government’s COVID 19 Disaster Payment. Please note the payment may not be available when the 80% vaccination target is reached, based on Commonwealth Government policy.

I recently registered my business for GST. Will this affect my eligibility?

For the purposes of this program, you must be registered for GST on or before Friday 24 September 2021. Businesses that backdate their GST registration date are not eligible. More information about this is available on the Australian Taxation Office website.

Questions about evidence and documentation

What documentation will I need to provide when applying?

You will need to provide details of a current proof of identity document. This must be one of the following:

  • a driver licence or learner permit issued in any Australian jurisdiction
  • an Australian Passport
  • a Medicare Card
  • a foreign passport for those issued with an Australian Visa.

Employing businesses will need to provide their WorkCover Employer Number (WEN). Your WEN can be found on the top right-hand corner of your 2020-21 invoice from WorkSafe Victoria. Your WEN is also printed on your WorkSafe Certificate of Currency. Note you do not need to provide your certificate of currency when applying for this grant.

Non-employing business owners will need to provide a Construction Induction Training Card (also known as a ‘white card’, ‘red card’ or ‘ticket’) or interstate equivalent issued by a comparable governing authority in another Australian state or territory.

How can I access my WorkCover Employer Number (WEN)?

If you are an employing business, you will need to include your unique WorkCover Employer Number (WEN) on your application.

Your WEN can be found on the top right-hand corner of your 2020-21 invoice from WorkSafe Victoria. Your WEN is also printed on your WorkSafe Certificate of Currency. Note you do not need to provide your certificate of currency when applying for this grant.

If you have only recently applied to be registered with WorkSafe and do not have a WEN, please provide the WorkSafe Application Reference Number (WRN) instead.

I’ve recently applied for a WorkCover Employer Number (WEN) but haven’t received it. What can I provide in my application as evidence that I’m registered with WorkSafe Victoria?

If you have only recently applied to be registered with WorkSafe and do not have a WEN, please provide the WorkSafe Application Reference Number (WRN) instead.

A WRN is issued in the format of NR-XXXXXX-XXXXXX when you submit an online application for WorkCover insurance. It appears in printable form once the application is submitted. You will also receive an email with the number.

When your WEN is issued, your information will be updated in our systems automatically and we will progress your application. You do not need to take any action.

Please note that applications with a WRN may take longer to process because the WorkCover registration process must be complete before we can start assessing your application.

I’m a non-employing business and don’t have a Victorian Construction Induction Training Card (also known as a ‘white card’, ‘red card’ or ‘ticket’). What should I provide?

Non-employing businesses that don’t have a Construction Induction Training Card (also known as a ‘white card’, ‘red card’ or ‘ticket’) can provide an interstate equivalent issued by a comparable governing authority in another Australian state or territory.

What is a Construction Induction Training Card?

Construction workers must complete a construction induction training course with a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) before working on site and are provided with a Construction Induction Training Card (also known as ‘white card’, ‘red card’ or ‘ticket’) by WorkSafe when completed. This is a mandatory requirement for all workers on building and civil construction sites.

I don’t have a White Card, but I do have a Red Card. Can I still apply for a grant under the program?

Yes. Non-employing businesses must provide their Construction Induction Training Card, also known as a ‘White Card’ or ‘Red Card’ or ‘Ticket’. Businesses can also provide an interstate equivalent issued by a comparable governing authority in another Australian state or territory.

What are the responsible federal or state regulators that a business needs to be registered with?

For the purpose of this program, businesses must be registered with the responsible federal or state regulator as required by law:

  • A business is an entity with a business name registered with the Australian Securities Investment Commission (ASIC).
  • Charities or not-for-profit organisations must be registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC).
  • Incorporated associations must be registered with Consumers Affairs Victoria (CAV).

Some entity types and structures may not be required to register with ASIC, such as:

  • A sole trader or partnership trading under its legal name – that is, the individual(s) personal legal name(s).
  • A trust operating as a business under the same legal name as the trust (the legal name of the trust when registered).

Further information on registering a business is available on the Australian Government Business website.

You must ensure your business’ registration is current before you apply.

If your business is not registered with the required regulators when you apply, it will not be eligible to receive a grant.

How do I register with the responsible federal or state regulator?


I’ve received notification that my identification check has returned an invalid result or could not be validated. How do I update my proof of identity?

Update your contact details by following the steps outlined in our Proof of Identity Verification User Guide.

Download a copy of these instructions: Updating Proof of Identity Details in Grant Hub forms (PDF 633.93 KB) PDF icon.

What does the attestation mean regarding worker support? What do I have to do?

Employing businesses applying for the Business Costs Assistance Program Round Four – Construction must attest that their business is supporting:

  • its workers to access any paid leave entitlements
  • its workers to work from home, where possible
  • its casual workers, where possible.

We know these are difficult times for many businesses and workers. The attestation aims to confirm that employing businesses are making reasonable efforts to support their workers.

Businesses who are making reasonable efforts to support their workers should apply. Grants must be used to assist the business, including by meeting business costs such as wages.

Following up on your application and the application process

How do I know what the status of my application is?

The status of your application will appear in the Business Victoria Grants Portal:

  • Draft – you have started an application
  • Submitted – you have accepted the terms and conditions and submitted
  • Under assessment – your application has been received and is being assessed by the Business Victoria team
  • Successful – your application was successful
  • Unsuccessful – your application was unsuccessful.

From the time you submit your application, you will receive progress notifications.

We cannot contact you while your application remains in ‘draft’ as you haven’t yet given permission for the department to use your contact details.

When will I be notified of the outcome of my application?

We will endeavour to process applications and commence notifying successful applicants within 10 business days of the program closing and notify all applicants of their outcome within eight weeks of the program closing. There may be delays in notifying you of an outcome if your application:

  • does not meet all the eligibility criteria
  • does not have correct evidence or documentation
  • requires you to make changes
  • is a duplicate application for the same business
  • has incorrect information, such as ABN, WorkCover Employee Number (WEN) or bank details (for successful applicants)
  • does not include current or accurate information registered with relevant regulators or partner agencies, such as the State Revenue Office, Australian Business Register or WorkSafe Victoria.

We will contact you to provide updates on your application or to seek additional information to assist with processing your application.

When will the program close? Should I apply as early as possible?

The program will remain open until 11:59pm on 9 November 2021 or when funds are exhausted, whichever is sooner. We recommend you apply for the program as soon as possible, but ensure you read all the information on this page and the program guidelines before applying.